Explore our collection of resources from SRE Network member organizations to inform and inspire your journey to foster safe, respectful, and equitable Jewish organizations.
To submit a resource from your organization related to safety, respect, and equity across the Jewish nonprofit sector, please email info@srenetwork.org. Once submitted, our team will review your submission. Not all submissions will be published.
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- Workplace Culture and Belonging
Taking Action for LGBTQ+ and Transgender Rights
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Resources to Inspire Safety, Respect, & Equity for Women in Jewish Nonprofit Workplaces
In honor of Women’s History Month, we invite you to explore these resources to help your organization foster workplaces where all women can drive change and thrive.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
The URJ's Equity Indicator
The Equity Indicator tracks the progress of congregations and other Jewish communities (e.g., schools, camps, and others) on key measures of creating communities of belonging and building anti-oppressive ecosystems.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
Continuum of Workplace Behavior: What Employees Can Do
Policies and Procedures, Reporting Response and Investigations
Promising Practices for Preventing Harassment
This report identifies five core principles that have proven effective in preventing and addressing harassment.
Reporting Response and Investigations
Threads of Identity: LGBTQ+ Jews of Color in the Fabric of Jewish Life
Workplace Culture and Belonging
The Role of Jewish Community Spaces Amid Hostile Legislation for LGBTQ+ Youth
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Workplace Culture and Belonging
What LGBTQ+ Community Members Need from You Right Now
As Jewish leaders and institutions navigate this moment, we know that many have questions and we offer these answers to you and your communities.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Exploring Religious Identity & Sense of Belonging Among Jewish Adoptees of Color
Workplace Culture and Belonging
The Messy Magic of Restorative Justice A Conversation with Dr. Guila Benchimol & Dr. Alissa Ackerman
Reporting Response and Investigations, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Navigating Power Dynamics: Putting Power Into Practice
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Workplace Culture and Belonging
An Overview of "Reflections on Restorative Justice"
Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Sample Code of Conduct
Copy and adapt this draft Code of Conduct for your organization.
Policies and Procedures
Reflections on Restorative Justice: The Messy Magic
This qualitative, auto-ethnographic report by Drs. Guila Benchimol and Alissa Ackerman explores what the magic of RJ, accountability, and teshuva can look like in Jewish spaces.
Reporting Response and Investigations, Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Women in the Workplace Report 2024
Women in the Workplace is the most comprehensive study of the state of women in corporate America from Lean In.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Jewish Workforce Snapshot: Spring 2024
Insights into engagement, retention, communication, and the post-October 7th era in Jewish nonprofits. Based on the Spring 2024 cycle of Leading Edge's Focused Engagement Survey, with data from 10,854 employees at 192 Jewish nonprofit organizations.
Policies and Procedures, Workplace Culture and Belonging
A Study Guide on Tucson’s SRE Task Force Report
The Jewish community in Tucson is among the first to advance the work of safety, respect, and equity in a collective manner. This approach should be studied by other leaders and organizations who can learn from and replicate what Tucson SRE Task Force members have accomplished.
Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Self-Advocacy Guide for Addressing Workplace Anti-Semtism and Anti-Israel Sentiment
A 32-page guide to help professionals understand their rights, recognize when a line is crossed, advocate for themselves, educate others, report incidents and create a supportive community. Each section of the guide has common examples of scenarios workers find themselves in and brief scripted responses.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
Jewish Nonprofit Boards: CEO Perceptions & Actions for Better Governance
Based on data from a survey of 304 CEOs in May 2023 and a qualitative research project based on 36 CEO interviews in summer 2023, this report shares findings on how CEOs of Jewish nonprofits perceive their boards and actions boards can take to improve their effectiveness.
Leadership and Accountability, Policies and Procedures, Staff Education and Training
Preventing Workplace Sexual Harassment
Every employee plays a crucial role in shaping a respectful workplace culture. By understanding your role and actively participating in prevention, every employee can contribute to a safer, more inclusive workplace.
Leadership and Accountability, Reporting Response and Investigations
Women's Rabbinic Network (WRN) Paid Family Leave Resources
• Family and Medical Leave Policy Standards
• Educational Videos for Paid Family and Medical Leave
• Family and Medical Leave Research Report
• Guidance About Reproductive Rights and Leave
Policies and Procedures, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Resources for Managing Teams with Diverse Viewpoints
This topic of how to handle differences of deeply held beliefs in an organization is sensitive, complex, and difficult. The following are resources we hope may be of use to some organizations as we all continue working to find constructive ways forward, with curiosity and humility.
State of The Jewish Workplace 2023
Based on data from 18,212 employees and 304 CEOs at 327 organizations, this report shares findings about how things were going at work for employees and leaders in Jewish nonprofit organizations in May 2023.
Policies and Procedures, Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Women in the Workplace 2022
Women in the Workplace is the largest study on the state of women in
corporate America from LeanIn.org, and McKinsey & Company.
Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Living Your Policy: Sharing Your Policies & Training Your Team
Amee Wurzburg and Stephanie Gray from Sacred Spaces shared how to develop regular opportunities for your community to engage with your policies. They shared best practices, key considerations, and recommended action steps for your planning process, including concrete ways to communicate policies and train your staff.
Making Uncomfortable Conversations a Habit: A New Year’s Resolution
Sarah Pierson explored why conversations about sexual harassment and violence are important and how these conversations work to prevent and respond to these behaviors. Sarah addressed how individuals can have these uncomfortable conversations and the framework that can help them do so. She also covered what managers can do to have these conversations.
SRE Leadership Conversation Guide
This leadership conversation guide is meant to prompt a discussion with your senior leadership team to check-in on your organization's progress and priorities as you begin to plan some next steps.
Cultivating the Talent: Women Professionals in the Federation System
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
SRE Network Standards Self-Assessment Membership Report 2021
Our Member Assessment provides participating organizations, our network, and the field with invaluable data points about where things currently stand and where further growth is needed. Check out our 2021 Report.
Leadership and Accountability, Staff Education and Training
When What You Do Is Who You Are: The Intersection of Jewish Organizational Culture and Identity
Dr. Belzer conducted a qualitative longitudinal study focused on the intersection of Jewish identity and occupation among Jewish communal professionals. This material also explores the dynamics of Jewish organizational culture over time from the perspectives of sector insiders.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
2022 SRE Convening Code of Conduct & Norms
The following is an outline of the policies and norms that are inherently part of SRE and therefore, part of this convening.
Policies and Procedures
Addressing Allegations Against and Misconduct by Board Members
This resource is a compilation of resources for how to address allegations against and misconduct by board members.
Leadership and Accountability
Resources on T'shuva & Repair
These resources are a compilation from the first, second, and third sessions of the T’shuva Series which was held in September 2022.
Leadership and Accountability
JWA Book Talks with Danya Ruttenberg
Judith Rosenbaum, CEO of the Jewish Women's Archive, talks with Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg about her book, On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
What Do We Mean When We Ask a Sexual Offender to “Do T’shuva?”
From 2021-2022, five scholars in the Created Equal Research Group at the Kogod Research Center asked: What do we mean when we ask a sexual offender do to t’shuva? They noticed a pattern when stories of sexual misconduct, harm, and abuse were raised in the media and in organizations and institutions and they turned to Jewish sources that can help us think about this question.
Reporting Response and Investigations
Responding to Workplace Complaints and Conducting Investigations
Best practice advice from Rahel Bayar of The Bayar Group for determining whether to conduct an internal or external investigation, as well as steps to follow when conducting an internal investigation.
Reporting Response and Investigations
ABCs of Responding to Complaints
Does your organization know what to do when you first receive a complaint or report of discrimination, harassment, or other forms of abuse? Sacred Spaces provided a basic outline of policies and practices to help guide initial steps in responding to complaints, including a framework for deciding first steps once a complaint has been received, considerations if an investigation is needed, and ways to support the parties involved.
Reporting Response and Investigations
Resource List: Developing a Reporting Structure
The following list included is a list of organizations that provide information, support, and reporting resources for those with personal experiences related to abuse, harassment, and other abuses of power.
Reporting Response and Investigations
Giving an Apology That Works
When we mess up, how do we give an effective apology? As kids, we’re often taught that the magic words “I’m sorry” are all that’s required, but as adults, we need a more robust set of tools for making things right. In this workshop, we’ll use an approach rooted in Jewish ancestral values to explore interpersonal frameworks, tools, and techniques for apology and repair.
Reporting Response and Investigations
Crafting Your Jewish Organization’s Reproductive Care Policy
Providing Jewish organizations with guidance to develop and implement benefits that support employee reproductive health, regardless of where in the United States they live.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Policies and Procedures
How to Respond If You Were Disrespectful
The vast majority of us can recall a moment we regret, when we’ve said or done something disrespectful to someone else, and may have been called out for it. How can we try to make amends with the person we harmed? Here are four steps we can take to show the other person we care.
Reporting Response and Investigations, Staff Education and Training
Guide to Bystander Intervention
We all play a role in creating safe public space by supporting each other when we’re harassed. That’s what bystander intervention is all about.
Leadership and Accountability, Reporting Response and Investigations
All Employees Play a Role in Creating a Respectful Culture
Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Sexual Violence & The Workplace: A Guide for Employers (NSVRC)
Leadership and Accountability, Policies and Procedures, Reporting Response and Investigations
SRE 2021 Steps Toward Accountability
Taking accountability when we have caused harm is a part of ensuring gender justice. Read our Steps for Accountability published in June 2021.
Leadership and Accountability
SRE Report: We Need to Talk
A Review of Public Discourse and Survivor Experiences of Safety, Respect, and Equity in Jewish Workplaces and Communal Spaces
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Leadership and Accountability
Responding to Disclosures of Victimization
In a session led by SRE Network Senior Advisor of Researching & Learning, Dr. Guila Benchimol, tips and more, were given to explore how to keep yourself, victim-survivors, and others safe as we hear personal disclosures of abuse. Read the Dos and Don'ts of Responding to Disclosures published in February 2022.
Policies and Procedures, Reporting Response and Investigations
2021 SRE Network Standards - Refresh Guide
This guide was developed to outline the updates made to the 2021 SRE Network Standards. The guide includes a clean version of the refreshed Standards, a tracked changes version, and a summary of key changes.
Policies and Procedures, Workplace Culture and Belonging
The Gender Gap in Jewish Nonprofit Leadership: An Ecosystem View
Addressing five causes can make significant progress in closing the persistent and large gender gap among CEOs at Jewish nonprofit organizations.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
Jewish Social Justice Roundtables Guiding Principles for a Racial Justice Framework
The Jewish Social Justice Roundtable has created this pilot Racial Justice Framework to help guide and support our collective efforts around racial justice. This framework is a tool to help build the capacities of Jewish organizations to be more racially and ethnically diverse, inclusive, equitable and just.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
TIME'S UP Impact Lab - Nevertheless, It Persists: Disrupting the Vicious Cycle of Institutionalized Sexism. Report and Summary
The COVID-19 crisis, the economic recession, and the renewed attention to racist, state-sanctioned violence have underscored what historically marginalized women — particularly women of color and low-paid women — face everyday: the burden of generations of sexist and racist institutions, norms, and policy choices that systematically limit women’s power and devalue the work that women do.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Are Jewish Organizations Great Places to Work? (2021)
Read the results from the Leading Edge Fifth Annual Employee Experience Survey.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
Women in the Workplace (2021)
Women in the Workplace is the largest study on the state of women in corporate America. In 2015, LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company launched the study to give companies insights and tools to advance gender diversity in the workplace. Between 2015 and 2021, over 750 companies participated in the study, and more than a quarter of a million people were surveyed on their workplace experiences.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Policies and Procedures, Reporting Response and Investigations, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Money, Gender and Power: A Guide to Funding with a Gender Lens
Created in partnership with gender justice leader Tuti B. Scott of Changemaker Strategies, and dedicated to the memory of Jewish feminist pioneer Nancy Schwartz Sternoff, Money, Power, and Gender invites Jewish communal leaders, funders, and activists of all genders to take concrete actions to advance gender equity, and commit to lifting up women and girls in the philanthropic landscape at large.
Leadership and Accountability, Reporting Response and Investigations, Staff Education and Training
Gender Equity and Leadership Initiative Report
This report shares the research and findings of the Gender Equity and Leadership Initiative, exploring how to enhance gender equity and leadership within Jewish educational institutions and the needs of professionals in the field of Jewish education.
The Gender Equity and Leadership Initiative is housed at the Leadership Commons of the William Davidson Graduate School of Jewish Education of JTS.
Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Coverage and Tools About Sexual Harassment at Nonprofits
For those working to prevent sexual harassment at a nonprofit or overcome a scandal, here is a collection of articles with advice from a variety of experts. You’ll find guidance on how to communicate with donors, respond when a leader is involved in a scandal, or better protect your fundraisers.
Reporting Response and Investigations, Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
TIME’S UP Guide to Equity and Inclusion During Crisis
This second edition of The TIME’S UP Guide to Equity and Inclusion During Crisis adds urgent and practical advice for leaders committed to leading anti-racist organizations.
SRE 2020 Convening Code of Conduct
Safety. Respect. Equity. These are the values and principles that we are committed to as an organization and as we convene for this virtual conference. The following is an outline of the policies and norms that are inherently part of SRE and therefore, part of this convening.
Policies and Procedures
genEquality / Nudge Art
genEquality is dedicated to activating people to achieve gender equality through beliefs & behaviors. genEquality produces Nudge Art, which are visual installations designed to nudge their beholders towards inclusive and equal beliefs & behaviors. Available as both a print campaign or community-created mosaic art project, Nudge Art is a research-backed, impact-oriented, measurable approach to diversity & inclusion.
Reporting Response and Investigations, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Ta'amod: Stand Up
Ta’amod: Stand Up seeks to help Jewish communal institutions and all who work, learn, or worship at them develop cultures of safety, respect, and equity. We offer training and policy development as well as a robust resource bank of materials and referrals in support of Jewish organizations and congregations. Ta’amod brings this work to the Jewish community with a lens of Jewish values and ethics and an acute understanding of the unique dynamics and needs of the Jewish communal space.
Policies and Procedures, Reporting Response and Investigations, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Model Event Policy
This model policy is an example code of conduct for events.
Policies and Procedures
Model Employment Policy
This model policy covers topics including nondiscrimination, objectionable conduct, and harassment; religious observations; accommodating impairments; and accommodating pregnancies and nursing mothers.
Policies and Procedures, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Collective Action for Safe Spaces
CASS facilitates trainings and workshops for organizations on a variety of harassment-related topics, including bystander intervention, trainings for youth, and street harassment 101 and assertive responses.
Reporting Response and Investigations, Staff Education and Training
Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment: Funders’ Practices and Challenges
Foundations committed to social justice and human rights have an important role in combating sexual harassment through their work, but they must also take all steps necessary to prevent and respond to it in their work. This report seeks to provide some food for thought in the form of foundations’ shared experiences as a basis for this kind of thought process. It is an invitation to think, discuss, and learn.
Leadership and Accountability, Staff Education and Training, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Convention and Grounding Virtues
These Convention and Grounding Virtues were originally developed by Reconstructing Judaism for their 2018 Convention. Other organizations can use and adapt this resource for their own upcoming events.
Policies and Procedures
Convention Covenant of Behavior
This Covenant of Behavior was originally developed by Reconstructing Judaism for their 2018 convention. Other organizations can use and adapt this resource for their own upcoming events.
Policies and Procedures
Model Event Code of Conduct
This model code of conduct was originally developed by SRE for the 2019 Jewish Funders Network Conference. We hope other organizations can use and adapt this template for their own upcoming events.
Policies and Procedures
The Sacred Exchange: Creating a Jewish Money Ethic
Our use of and relationship with money must reflect our religious values--this book aims to start a comprehensive conversation about how Judaism can guide us in this multi-faceted relationship.
Leadership and Accountability, Staff Education and Training
EmpowHER: Implementing Sexual Harassment Guidance in the #MeToo Era
The B.A. Rudolph Foundation, (“BA Women”) is doing its part to contribute to initiatives to build equitable workplaces free of violence and harassment.
Women's Impact Initiative
The Women’s Impact Initiative (WII) is an 18-month initiative to assess, address and highlight the specific issues and challenges that women in the fundraising profession face.
The Pledge on Live the Pledge
13 action steps for men to take to turn being an ally into a verb. We are calling men in to live their allyhood as a verb by committing to, sharing, and living out the pledges that first emerged in the The Week That All Jewish Women Turned Invisible article. Live The Pledge is a new website to help allies actively engage in this comprehensive list of actions. With input from male allies and focus groups, these pledges have been expanded to bring them to life as part of our ongoing commitment to achieving greater gender equity in our Jewish communal workspaces.
Leadership and Accountability, Workplace Culture and Belonging
The Reform Jewish Quarterly Fall 2018
This special issue – devoted to pay equity in the Reform movement – is sure to educate, to challenge, and to inspire. Explore sacred texts illuminating the subject of gender pay equity and discover how congregations can strive to compensate their employees fairly and justly.
Women in the Workplace 2018
Women in the Workplace 2018 is the largest comprehensive study of the state of women in corporate America. Since 2015, LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company have published this report annually to give companies and employees the information they need to advance women and improve gender diversity within their organizations.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
Can We Talk: Archiving #MeToo
In the first episode of the 2018-2019 season of Can We Talk?, we explore questions like these and share stories from our Archiving #MeToo project. Historian Keren McGinity shares her own #MeToo story and discusses how the movement has impacted the Jewish community.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide for Churches & Ministries
This handbook, authored and edited by a multidisciplinary team of child abuse experts, is designed for use by a group that will be formulating policies and procedures to protect children and deal with possible child abuse in their ministry, school, and/or church.
Ma’yan provides feminist, social justice, and leadership training to self-identified teen girls and teaches vital skills to parents and educators.
JOFA: Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance
JOFA expands the spiritual, ritual, intellectual and political opportunities for women within the framework of halakha (Jewish law), by advocating meaningful participation and equality for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organizations to the full extent possible within halakha.
10 Steps Nonprofits Can Take to Close the Pay Gap for Women
Experts share advice to help managers identify wage differences based on gender, work to erase them, and build a hiring process that ensures equal pay.
#NowWhat: The Sexual Harassment Solutions Toolkit
Taking action to prevent and end sexual harassment in workplaces, informed by research and practice.
The Ultimate Library of Resources for Building, Sharing and Wielding Power
Case studies, articles, reports and other tools to enrich your Power Moves journey.
Power Moves – On Philanthropy and Equity and Justice
POWER MOVES: Your essential philanthropy assessment guide for equity and justice is a complete self-assessment toolkit to determine how well you are building, sharing and wielding power and identify ways to transform your programs and operations for lasting, equitable impact.
Leadership and Accountability, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Philanthropy Lessons: The Power Dynamic
Funders must be aware of the power dynamic that exists between those who give away money and those who rely on philanthropic gifts, be empathetic to it, and be supportive. When we acknowledge this dynamic, bring grantees into the conversation, and build authentic, trusting relationships, we increase the opportunity to create meaningful impact together.
Leadership and Accountability, Workplace Culture and Belonging
Putting Grantees at the Center of Philanthropy
Research shows that grantmakers that are more connected to their grantees—those that have an ear to the ground—are more likely to provide the support that nonprofits need to be successful; they are five times as likely to offer capacity-building support and two times as likely to offer multiyear support.
Leadership and Accountability
Ken Means Yes
Ken Means Yes is an emerging action to increase consent language in the Jewish community, extending an educational arm to adults, teens, children, clergy and beyond rooted in Talmudic ideas and visions of safe and consensual touch.
Leading Edge Employee Engagement Survey 2019
To identify the sector's strengths and opportunities concerning workplace culture, Leading Edge partnered with Culture Amp to conduct their annual employee engagement survey.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
Leading Edge Employee Engagement Survey 2017
To identify the sector's strengths and opportunities concerning workplace culture, Leading Edge partnered with Culture Amp to conduct a second annual employee engagement survey.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
Leading Edge Employee Engagement Survey 2018
To identify the sector's strengths and opportunities concerning workplace culture, Leading Edge partnered with Culture Amp to conduct their annual employee engagement survey.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
Keshet’s Community Inclusion Guides
Inclusion 101 guides for synagogues, day schools, summer camps, Hillels, and Jewish youth groups. Keshet is a national organization that works for full LGBTQ equality and inclusion in Jewish life. Led and supported by LGBTQ Jews and straight allies, Keshet cultivates the spirit and practice of inclusion in all parts of the Jewish community.
CCAR Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate
The CCAR is taking an active step toward addressing the reality of life in the rabbinate as experienced by women rabbis.
Our Whole Lives
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities.
The Revenge of Dinah: A Feminist Seder on Rape Culture in the Jewish Community
RTI Cohort 3 interns focused its research on rape culture in the Jewish community by creating the project, “The Revenge of Dinah,” half research paper, half feminist haggadah.
Research Training Internship
The Jewish Federation of Chicago’s Research Training Internship (RTI), a selective 10-month paid internship where high-school-aged girls like you will advise The Jewish Federation’s work from your unique perspectives.
Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse
The Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse supports victims of domestic abuse to become empowered and live safely, educates the community about domestic abuse and appropriate responses, and prevents future generations from suffering domestic abuse.
Power Shift Project
The Power Shift Project helps journalists and newsroom leaders implement solutions to eliminate sexual harassment and creating opportunities for all.
#MeToo in Sacred Spaces Panel
In this panel, women share their first hand stories of assault, harassment, manipulation and abuse in religious settings, and how they and their faith communities respond.
The Law of the Land: Boundaries, Consent, and Atonement
Merissa Nathan Gerson leads us on an exploration of what it means for all Jewish bodies--cisgender and otherwise--to respect, to honor, and to teach one another about consent and to communally atone for our sins.
Rosh Chodesh: A Guide to the Cycles of Our Lives At the Well
Sarah Michal Waxman is on a mission to get women--all women--to join together in Rosh Chodesh circles.
Toward Transparency: An Analysis of the 2012 Jewish Communal Professional Compensation Survey
This article presents and analyzes the key findings of a 2012 compensation survey of the Jewish nonprofit sector.
Jewish Nonprofit Salary Survey 2017
To provide a better accounting of where your donation money may be going, The Forward presents to you its eighth salary survey.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
It's On Us
It’s On Us is a national movement to end sexual assault and asks everyone – students, community leaders, parents, organizations, and companies – to step up and realize that the conversation changes with us.
How We'll Win
This is a collection of insights from visionaries around the world aimed at anyone committed to empowering women.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. It provides a free, 24/7, confidential national sexual assault hotline, staffed by people who are trained to help in matters of sexual harassment or assault.
National Women’s Law Center Legal Network for Gender Equity and the TIME’S UP Legal Defense Fund
The National Women’s Law Center will connect individuals who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or related retaliation with attorneys who can provide legal assistance including a free initial consultation.
#MeToo Resources
The #MeToo Movement was founded in 2006 to help survivors of sexual violence, particularly young women of color, find pathways to healing. The proliferation of the #MeToo hashtag has turned local grassroots work into a global community.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership
Harassment Prevention and Respectful Workplace Training
Leading for Respect (for supervisors) and Respect in the Workplace (for all employees) focus on respect, acceptable workplace conduct, and the types of behaviors that contribute to a respectful and inclusive workplace.
EEOC - Rebooting Harassment Prevention
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the government agency responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against or sexually harass anyone in the workplace.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Staff Education and Training
Checklists and Chart of Risk Factors for Employers on Harassment Prevention
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the government agency responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against or sexually harass anyone in the workplace.
Gender Equity and Women’s Leadership, Staff Education and Training
Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the government agency responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against or sexually harass anyone in the workplace.
Salary Negotiation Workshops
AAUW Start Smart is designed for college women who are approaching the job market and focuses on helping you negotiate for a new job. AAUW Work Smart is designed for women who are already in the workforce at any career level and helps you negotiate for a new job, raise, or promotion.
Reform Pay Equity Initiative
The Reform Pay Equity Initiative will comprehensively assess the salaries of the professionals who serve Reform institutions, develop a plan to address inequities, and evaluate the impact of interventions.
Workplace Culture and Belonging
B'Kavod, or with respect, is a partnership of the Good People Fund and the Jewish Women's Foundation of New York to help Jewish communal institutions and all who work, learn or worship at them develop cultures of safety, respect and fairness.
Institutional Abuse in the Jewish Community
Shira Berkowits, founder and director of Sacred Spaces, explores three foundational categories of error in communal responses to allegations of sexual abuse - psychological, legal, and halakhic issues - and offers suggestions for avoiding these common missteps.
Men Explain Things to Me
In her comic, scathing essay “Men Explain Things to Me,” Rebecca Solnit took on what often goes wrong in conversations between men and women. She wrote about men who wrongly assume they know things and wrongly assume women don’t, about why this arises, and how this aspect of the gender wars works, airing some of her own hilariously awful encounters.
Archiving #MeToo
The goal of this project is to create an archival collection to ensure that the breadth of Jewish voices and experiences is captured and preserved during this watershed moment.
The Wellbeing of LGBT+ Pupils: A Guide for Orthodox Jewish Schools
This report lays the groundwork for how LGBT+ people should be treated by Jews in religious communal, professional, social settings and beyond.
Judaism, #MeToo and Ethical Leadership: Perspectives from the Created Equal Project
Judaism, #metoo and Ethical Leadership: Perspectives from the Created Equal Project explores how Jewish ideas can inform the current discourse on power, privilege and sexual assault and generates new insights and deep conversation.
Rabbinic Voices on Sexual Assault
In this turbulent moment of public attention to sexual assault and harassment, we will probe rabbinic sources that speak to our questions, fears and hopes.
FaithTrust Institute
FaithTrust Institute is a national, multi-faith, multicultural training and education organization with global reach working to end sexual and domestic violence.