About SRE Network Membership

Launched in 2018, SRE is a growing and impactful network of organizations committed to creating workplaces and communal spaces that are safe, respectful, and equitable for all. Currently, 185 Jewish nonprofit organizations are members.  As we deepen our work and expand our reach, we are excited to announce that in addition to our membership engagement pathway, we now offer an affiliate engagement pathway.

Joining SRE Network sends a strong message that you are dedicated to sustaining a healthy workplace environment; invites you into a supportive community of peers to learn and grow with; and provides you with access to valuable resources, tailored support, and exclusive grant opportunities.

Membership Snapshot

SRE Network members are Jewish nonprofit organizations deeply committed to their journeys towards becoming safer, more respectful, and more equitable workplaces for all. As a member, your organization will gain valuable peer support, access to year-round trainings and resources, and exclusive grant eligibility – all in pursuit of building a Jewish communal landscape that is free from harm.

SRE members include institutions of varying sizes, movements, and locations; people of all genders, sexual orientations, abilities, ages and origins; professionals, volunteers, board members, and community members; religious and secular; and reflect the diverse racial and ethnic mosaic that makes up today’s Jewish community.

Definition A SRE Network member is a Jewish non-profit organization based in North America committed to creating and sustaining workplaces that are safe, respectful, and equitable. A SRE member invests in implementing the SRE Standards.
Eligibility • Based in North America
• Jewish nonprofit
• Organizational leadership is committed and ready to implement the Standards and uphold membership commitment
• Organization has at least 2 employees
Commitment • Be on a journey to implement the SRE Standards
• Assess progress through the SRE Standards Self-Assessment (SSA)
• Join a learning community committed to creating safe, respectful, and equitable workplaces and communal spaces for all
Benefits • Invitation to apply for SRE grant opportunities
• Access to resources, trainings, and programs
• Invitation to participate in communities of practice
• Access to full menu of strategic coaching and guidance services (including complimentary consultation)
• Invitation to receive in-house trainings/presentations by SRE staff
• Public listing on SRE's website as a member and access to a SRE member badge for your organization's website

SRE Network Standards

The SRE Network Standards were designed by experts to prevent and address discrimination and harassment in Jewish workplaces and communal spaces. They emphasize prevention, intervention, and compliance. The Standards are meant to ground, guide, and inspire organizations in their journeys to creating optimal workplaces and communal spaces by focusing on four key areas: Leadership & Accountability; Policies & Guidelines; Reporting & Response; and Education & Training.

SRE Network Membership

Membership Eligibility & Benefits

SRE Network believes organizations are capable of creating and sustaining healthier workplaces for all when they have the skills, tools, resources, and institutional commitment to make meaningful change. Members receive extensive benefits including year-round trainings, resources, exclusive grant opportunities, strategic coaching and guidance, and more.

Membership Commitment

As a SRE Network member, your organization commits to:

  1. Embarking on a journey toward implementing the SRE Standards.
  2. Assessing your progress on that journey by taking the SRE Standards Self-Assessment (SSA).
  3. Joining a learning community committed to creating safe, respectful, and equitable workplaces for all.

Become a Member or Renew Membership

To become a member or to renew your membership, please:

  1. Review the Standards and consult with your organization’s leadership to confirm your organization's commitment to implement the Standards.
  2. When requested by SRE staff, complete the SSA to assess your organization’s progress and identify growth areas on your journey towards implementing the SRE Network Standards. You will receive confirmation from the SRE Network staff following your submission of the online SSA.
    • Note: Since you will not be able to save your progress while filling out the online form, we recommend previewing the questions and preparing your responses in advance of completing the online form.

Mail free iconEmail us with any questions.

We offer welcome meetings for new members to help maximize the membership experience, and informational meetings for potential new members to learn more. 

Member Testimonials

“How could we not be part of this network of organizations committed to making our community a more safe, equitable, and respectful space in which everyone can thrive and find enrichment…We are grateful for the opportunity to find partners and kindred spirits as we work collaboratively to improve the culture of our institutions.

“Being a part of SRE Network gives me a sense of belonging to a greater group of agencies and professionals that are dedicated to the same values we are.”

“There's always room to grow and improve. SRE puts us in an accountable relationship with other organizations and allows us to learn from their best-practices.”

SRE Network Affiliates

Affiliates are organizations or consultants aligned with SRE’s mission, vision, and values. We encourage organizations and consultants who do not meet our membership eligibility criteria to consider joining us as affiliates. For existing members interested in exploring the affiliate option, please connect with us to discuss.

Affiliate Benefits

As a SRE affiliate beginning your safety, respect, and equity journey, you will learn from and with organizational peers to understand the best practices, standards, and values that can create Jewish communal workplace cultures that are free from harm.

SRE affiliate organizations will gain access to year-round resources, trainings, and programs, and eligibility to apply for certain SRE grants.

Affiliate Commitment

As a SRE affiliate, your organization commits to:

  1. Aligning with SRE’s vision and mission to create safe, respectful, and equitable workplace and communal spaces for all, and values inherent in the SRE Standards.
  2. Participating in at least one SRE learning program per year.
  3. Exploring opportunities to advance safety, respect, and equity in their organizations.
  4. Raising awareness of safety, respect, and equity in your broader community and culture.

Note: Affiliates do not need to complete the SSA, but are required to fill out a short application. Since you will not be able to save your progress while filling out the application online, we recommend previewing the questions and preparing your responses in advance of completing the online form. Email us with any questions.

Member Affiliate
Definition SRE Network members are Jewish nonprofit organizations based in North America committed to creating and sustaining workplaces and communal spaces that are safe, respectful, and equitable. SRE members invest deeply in their journey towards implementing the SRE Standards. SRE affiliates are organizations or consultants that align with the mission, vision, and values of SRE and either A) do not meet the membership criteria, or B) are not able to invest the resources needed for membership for a variety of reasons (size of organization, type of organization, organizational bandwidth, etc.).
Eligibility 1) Based in North America; 2) Jewish nonprofit; 3) Organizational leadership committed to implementing the Standards and upholding membership commitment; 4) At least 2 employees 1) Based in North America; 2) Are a (A) Jewish nonprofit; (B) a nonprofit organization dedicated to the work of safety, respect, and/or equity; or (C) a individual organizational consultant or firm who serve organizations that meet the membership eligibility criteria and are dedicated to the work of safety, respect, and/or equity
Commitment 1) Be on a journey toward implementing the SRE Standards; 2) Assess progress through the SSA; 3) Join a learning community committed to creating safe, respectful, and equitable workplaces and communal spaces for all. 1) Align with SRE’s vision, mission, and Standards. 2) Increase knowledge of and connection to safety, respect, and equity issues by participating in at least one SRE learning program per year. 3) Explore opportunities to advance safety, respect, and equity in their organizations. 4) Raise awareness of safety, respect, and equity in the broader community.
Benefit Member Affiliate
Eligible for SRE grant opportunities Affiliates that are 501c3 nonprofits will be eligible for certain grant opportunities
Access to SRE resources
Access to SRE trainings & programming
Invitation to participate in communities of practice
Access to strategic coaching and guidance services (complimentary consultation) Full access to a menu of topics Limited access to select topics
Eligible for in-house trainings/presentations provided by SRE staff Full access to a menu of topics Limited access to introductory topics
Listed publicly on the SRE website as a member and receives a SRE Network member or affiliate badge to put on your organization’s website


About SRE Network's Engagement Pathways

We believe offering more specialized engagement pathways will better meet the unique needs of the organizations we serve. The membership experience will gain depth with an expanded commitment, assessment, and support services. Meanwhile, we hope the affiliate pathway offers organizations who might otherwise not be able to join SRE Network the opportunity to do so.

We hope these distinct pathways will better support the growth, accountability, and impact of all of our SRE constituents, their workplace cultures, and the broader Jewish communal landscape.

Thinking of changing from member to affiliate status, or joining SRE as a new member or affiliate? We encourage you to email us at info@srenetwork.org to schedule a brief call to discuss your options. Also, please know that the pathway you choose is not permanent. You are welcome to switch between the right pathway for your organization each year as your organization’s safety, respect, and equity journey evolves.

Membership and Affiliate Benefits

Take a look at upcoming SRE Network learning opportunities here. You can also browse past learning opportunities on this page, and watch recordings of most of them.

Grant eligibility is based on a number of factors, including: an active status as a SRE Network Member or Affiliate for at least six months, a 501c3 status, and a demonstrated commitment across the organization to the work of safety, respect, and equity.

Please note that eligibility to apply does not guarantee grant funding. Learn more about Community Investments here.

Current Members

The membership experience will continue to have everything you’ve come to appreciate, with even more benefits, including:

  • Communities of practice, strategic advising and coaching, and presentations at organizations;
  • Exclusive funding opportunities for members;
  • And increased support from SRE Network staff.

Additionally, the Standards Self-Assessment (SSA) has been updated to help your organization better reflect upon and assess progress across all practices in the Standards.

As you make this decision, SRE Network staff is happy to process this with you. Please contact us at info@srenetwork.org. Also, please know that the pathway you chose is not permanent. You are welcome to switch between the right pathway for your organization each year as your organization’s safety, respect, and equity journey evolves.

SRE is a network of those willing to be “on a journey toward implementing the SRE standards”-- i.e. of “the good,” not of “the perfect.” As stated in the SRE Network Standards, we expect members to commit to adopt and proactively implement the Standards. However, the Standards are not intended to and do not constitute a contract or impose any legal obligation on any SRE Network member. The purpose of these Standards instead is to ground, guide, and inspire organizations in their journeys to creating optimal workplaces and communal spaces. Being accountable means your organization makes a concerted and ongoing effort to implement the SRE Network Standards, and SRE will provide support, training, and guidance along the way. 

SRE takes concerns raised regarding member organizations seriously. SRE operates with the expectation that SRE members will be responsive and engage in good faith conversations when such matters are raised by SRE leadership.

Read more about our Membership Review Process here.  

Standards and Standards Self-Assessment

SRE Network developed the Standards as a key tool to prevent and address discrimination and harassment in Jewish workplaces and communal spaces. The purpose of these standards is to ground, guide, and inspire organizations in their journeys to creating optimal workplaces and communal spaces. These standards were first developed in 2018  in partnership with field and issue area experts and were later updated in 2021. Each year, SRE Network Members recommit to upholding these standards.

Learn more about the SRE Network Standards here.

The Standards Self-Assessment (SSA) is an annual accountability and learning opportunity for your leadership to assess your organization’s progress and areas for continued growth on your journey towards implementing the SRE Network Standards. The SSA also helps SRE Network measure members’ progress and identify areas of improvement so we can dedicate time, resources, training, and funding to areas with the most significant needs.

The 2024 Standards Self-Assessment (SSA) has been expanded to better reflect upon and assess progress across all practices in the Standards.

  • The SSA will now include 40+ diagnostic questions. Preview the new questions here. All new questions are marked by an asterisk.
  • The Leadership & Accountability and Education & Training sections in particular have been extended to more accurately measure the work in these areas.

SRE Network guarantees the confidentiality of all organizations in responding to this assessment. We are committed to ensuring no individual organization’s data provided in this assessment is ever made public, sold, licensed, or shared with any other person or entity, including without limitation, individual or organizational members of the SRE Network or with SRE Network’s fiscal sponsor, New Venture Fund.

Any quantitative data that is shared (or used) by us will be in the aggregate without identifying information. Any qualitative information that is shared publicly, such as survey experience stories, will be shared without identifying information or attribution to ensure anonymity of the respondent.

For questions, contact info@srenetwork.org.

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Photos by Shulamit Photo + Video

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