Mazel Talk

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October 20, 2022 — Today we present a Mazel Talk with SRE Network Advisory Board Member Tiffany Harris. Tiffany is the Chief Program Officer for Moishe House.

Why are you a member of the SRE Advisory Board?

I’m first a member because I really believe in this mission. I see a great need for it in the Jewish world. I’m really happy that the Jewish communal world is paving the way with this work through the SRE Network. I’ve spent the bulk of my career working on international development with a focus on gender equity. I’ve seen countless examples in my personal and professional life of the great need for this globally.

Also, I really believe in the staff and leadership of this organization. What ultimately convinced me to join was having meetings with people who work at SRE.

What is one thing you want the rest of the Jewish community to know about SRE Network?

For a lot of organizations, especially if they are new to the work of gender equity and looking at these challenges and opportunities from an intersectional lens of gender justice, it can probably feel pretty overwhelming - where to start and how to address these things. I would want people to know that SRE is a really supportive environment both from the organizational standpoint and the network itself that is rooted in a shared commitment for safety, respect, and equity for all. The resources and support that the network provides is very accessible. You’ve been able to meet organizations where they are.

How does your professional role intersect with the work of SRE?

In my professional role, I have the honor to work for an organization [Moishe House] that signs on enthusiastically to be a part of SRE every single year. In my organization, we serve a broad and diverse group of constituents around the world and that is also reflected in our staff. We are excited to be part of an organization that really supports gender equity in the workplace and beyond and does it through a Jewish framework. That’s important to us as a Jewish organization and also as a moral imperative standpoint. It is in line with the type of values we want to lead with. And we found incredible support and thought leadership from the SRE network. It intersects with my work almost every day both as part of the advisory board in a personal capacity and as a leader within this great organization.

Read our previous Mazel Talk with Aaron Dorfman here

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