The 2022 SRE Network Convening: Return to Basics was held June 8-9, 2022. You can access all the recordings and resources here. If you have questions, please be in touch with us at
Day One Welcome & D'var Torah
Creating Respectful Workplaces as Culture Change
Innovations in Workplace Communication and Policies
Confidentiality and Disclosure from a Jewish Perspective
Bringing a Commitment to SRE through a Transformative Justice Lens
Concluding Remarks for Day One
Day Two Opening & Researching Gender Equity Across the Jewish Community
Stories of Courage
The Call to Courage: Lessons and Practices on Institutional Courage & Accountability
What’s Law Got to do with It?
Concluding Remarks for Day Two
SRE Network Bookshop

Book discounts are available through June 30.