The 2022 SRE Network Convening: Return to Basics was held June 8-9, 2022. You can access all the recordings and resources here. If you have questions, please be in touch with us at


Day One Welcome & D'var Torah

Creating Respectful Workplaces as Culture Change

Innovations in Workplace Communication and Policies

Confidentiality and Disclosure from a Jewish Perspective

Bringing a Commitment to SRE through a Transformative Justice Lens

Concluding Remarks for Day One

Day Two Opening & Researching Gender Equity Across the Jewish Community

Stories of Courage

The Call to Courage: Lessons and Practices on Institutional Courage & Accountability

What’s Law Got to do with It?

Concluding Remarks for Day Two

SRE Network Bookshop

Breaking the Slience Habit

Book discounts are available through June 30.

General Resources

Session Resources

Creating Respectful Workplaces as Culture Change

The Call to Courage: Lessons and Practices on Institutional Courage & Accountability