Moving from Learning to Action: A Post-Convening Processing Session


In early June, 200 people came together for two days of meaningful engagement at the SRE Network Convening - Learning Lab for Change. The learning doesn't end when the convening does. We must continue to learn and experiment as we consider how to put these ideas into action. We may reflect on questions such as:
• What are some of the key takeaways from the Convening?
• Who do we need to engage with in order to create change?
• Where do we even start?


Supreme Court Term Recap and How We Fight Back


The Supreme Court’s term is almost over with decisions coming down on some of the blockbuster cases. Join National Council of Jewish Women and The Leadership Conference Education Fund for “Supreme Court Term Recap and How We Fight Back,” a special Courts Matter virtual gathering on July 10. The gathering will focus not only on […]

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