July 20 Event

Thursday, July 20, 2023

11 am PT/2 pm ET (60 minutes)

The vision of a safe, respectful, and equitable world is a beautiful one we all support. Making that vision a reality is hard and complicated work. As we strive toward bettering our Jewish community, we recognize that working in community and tackling this changemaking together is how we will be most successful. When we share our efforts, obstacles, and successes, we make each other better equipped for the work ahead.

Join us for this post-Convening follow up session to continue the work and learning we began together at the Convening. In this session, Ariele Mortkowitz and Rabbanit Aliza Sperling from SVIVAH will lead an exploration of the ideas from the Convening that resonated most, where we are finding ourselves most challenged, and what we've started to prioritize in our action planning. Together, we’ll reflect on and share how SRE Network can be more supportive in moving each of our work forward.

Working towards this vision of a better world is exciting, daunting, and essential –– we are so thankful to be doing it together with you.

This session will not be recorded. If you have any questions, please contact info@srenetwork.org.


Who Should Attend:
All SRE Network Convening attendees.

Pre-registration is required. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining.

About Our Facilitators

Ariele Mortkowitz is the Founding Director of SVIVAH. She is passionate about the ways women* interact with their faith and their community and has dedicated herself to the pursuit of fulfilling female spiritual and communal experiences. She created the Agam Center in 2016, establishing a Jewish communal home for women's spirituality, wellness, ritual, and education. Further committed to creating more unique spaces for women in Judaism, Ariele founded SVIVAH, where she gets to "collect" inspirational teachers, healers, counselors, and guides devoted to improving the lives of women and then share them with the audience of Jewish women* that has been waiting for them. She received certification in Spiritual Entrepreneurship from Clal and Columbia Business School, is a member of the Kenissa Spiritual Communities Cohort, and is an inaugural participant in the JWI Jewish Communal Women’s Leadership Project for Executive Leadership. She has a background in nonprofit development focused on strategic planning, organizational growth, and culture creation. Ariele is also a JOFA/YCT/Maharat-certified premarital educator and a longtime mikvah ritual guide. Ariele lives with her family in Washington, DC where she is continually amazed by all she gains from the incredible women around her.

Rabbanit Aliza Sperling is the HerTorah Director at SVIVAH. She is part of the faculty at Yeshivat Maharat and teaches Talmud at the Maharat-Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Beit Midrash Program. She serves as a Hartman research fellow and a Wexner faculty member. She received her ordination from Yeshivat Maharat and a JD from NYU Law School. She also authored a halachic analysis of whether a blind person may read Torah for the collective in Braille. She lives with her husband and four children in Riverdale, NY. This session will not be recorded. If you have any questions, please contact info@srenetwork.org.